Freitag, 31. Mai 2013

Smooching 101: 3 Easy Steps To Becoming A Better Kisser

Want to really electrify him (her) with your kisses? Here's how. Want to really electrify him with your kisses? Bring it to the next level. Once you amp up your kissing skills, he'll never want to let you go. 5 Reasons Kissing Is Good For You More from YourTango: Does He Love You? 5 Signs He Is In Love With You [EXPERT](These tips work equally well for both men and women!) Pay Attention to the Kiss. That means consciously focus and concentrate on each aspect of the kiss. Tune into the softness and warmth of his lips; feel your partner's body against yours; listen to the almost inaudible moans. Once you allow yourself to relax and immerse yourself in the waves of signals your partner is sending, you will naturally and automatically be more sensual and inviting with your kiss.Mix it Up. Gently break away from the kiss to steal little moments of passion-infusers. Stare deeply into his eyes before returning to your kiss. Nibble your partner's lip or bite his neck with different levels of intensity. (Always make it gentle enough for pleasure.) Let your own moan of pleasure escape before you give him more.10 Surprising Facts About KissingTouch with sensuality. Nothing makes a kiss more sultry than playfully exploring where he'll feel the most pleasure. The obviously sexy areas are good, but it's even more passion-inducing if you are creative and unexpected.Some suggestions: Gently run your fingers through his hair. Hold onto it with a soft tug before letting go. Run your fingers over his scalp in a circular motion. (Practice in your own hair. You will find out how sexy this feels and why it will make you a better kisser.) Rub his back. Lightly let your hands travel up and down his spine. Caress your partner's cheek, chin, and neck as you kiss. More from YourTango: Britney Spears Made The First Move & So Can You! [EXPERT]Make your kiss a passionate, sultry trademark and you will leave him yearning for more of the irresistible, sexy you.More Juicy Content From YourTango:How To Kiss: 4 Types Of Kisses Men Just LoveWhat's The MeaningOfA Kiss? 9 Kisses DecodedThe Best Kissing Advice On YourTangoFind an expert near you!

Speak Up and Tell Him the Truth!

Don't be afraid to be You and express yourself as you get to know someone. He wants to know! Speak up, be courageous, use your words and have your voice heard! It is so much easier to just be quiet and keep it all in, but does is really serve you? Expressing yourself and having your voice herd is a right not often used. Saying what you actually think is a way to value who you are and what you stand for, so don't sell yourself short! Use your voice and be direct, with Love of course!More from YourTango: 7 Beauty Myths That Are Damaging Your Love LifeThis is especially true in realtionship. When you first start dating someone it is imperative that you be truthful, authentic and up front, because if you are not, then they are not; and don't you want to know? Yes, I know, you do. So if you do, he/she does too. Just come out with it; what you want, your expectations, what turns you on and what doesn't. Tell and be proud! I have had the privilege of experiencing two different cultures and seeing the differences that they each bring. One difference that has stood out for me is the passive aggressiveness that exists in this country and the shying away from directedness. When I first moved to the US I was told I was too direct and too loud. People put me down and would even avoid me because they were too uncomfortable with my being direct. And in an effort to fit in I assimilated and adapted, not knowing I was doing a big disservice to myself. Yes, I was and I did because I shut my voice down for a long time in fear of rejection, abandonment and just plain judgment. As I found my voice again and I began speaking my truth I found that people really did want to hear me, they were looking for what being direct brings, but just didn’t know how to embrace it.More from YourTango: The Secret To How Italian Women Create A Great First DateSo now I say to you, don’t be afraid of being you, don’t be afraid of speaking your truth, don’t be afraid of what people will think, it is their stuff and if he/she doesn't get you right off the bat then it wasn't meant to be! For real. That is how it works.Let it go and just be, just be truthful, just be up front, just be authentic, just be YOU!Want more expert advice?

The Great Soulmate Debate

Do soulmates exist? Question: Hey Sara! What’s your take on the “soulmate” debate? Do soulmates exist, or are they a figment of our imaginations?More from YourTango: Do You Have Baby Mama Drama? [EXPERT]A friend once shared a story that when she was a little girl, her mother said that she was so happy that she found her husband, because he was her “one.” My friend was relieved that her mother had found her “one” because she thought it would be terrible to spend your whole life without ever finding your missing piece. Maybe her parents really are soulmates; this would not be the first time I have heard couples describing their connection this way. Or, perhaps this was an easy way for her mother to instill hope in her daughter that she too can find the perfect person if she never gives up the search. Do I believe in soulmates? I’m not really sure. But do I believe in real love? Without a doubt. I suppose I am more of a realist than a romantic, but I believe that for most men and women, there are many compatible partners out there. With over six billion people in the world, I have to think that there is more than one man who I could love and adore. Sometimes people miss these opportunities because they become fixated on someone in their past who “got away”, their one true love: their soulmate. I firmly believe that if a person is truly your soulmate, the feeling would be mutual.It may be a controversial notion, but I believe that a person can have many “ones” in a lifetime. The boy who was right for me at sixteen may not be the right man for me at twenty-five, but that in no way minimizes the way I felt about him at that point in my life. Maybe one day I’ll meet a man and change my mind, but for now, a solid relationship based on trust, loyalty, and respect is more than enough for me.When people say that they have found their soulmate, I believe they are really describing a deep, spiritual connection that they share with someone. If you find this even once in your lifetime, you are very lucky indeed.More from YourTango: What Women Notice About Your AppearanceLove always,SaraWant more advice? Find an expert near you!

Inside Infertility

The painful psychological ramifications of infertility on the individual and on the couple Emma and Jonathan are trying to have a baby. Emma is a bright, bubbly, 28 year old woman with long blond curls and a winning smile. She has been married to Jonathan for just over 3 years. She works as an advertising executive at a major corporation. Jonathan, 31, is the more laid back of the two. As a successful cinematographer, he tends to more of an observer. His dark eyes and curious nature absorb the world in a reflective and deliberate manner. In contrast, Emma is very energetic, and vocal—even impulsive. Their differences have always amused and complemented one another. They have relished a relationship full of laughter, support and hope for the future.More from YourTango: The Psychology of the Presidential ElectionMore from YourTango: James Holmes; What Happened? Emma and Jonathan began to try to conceive about a year ago. In the beginning the process was full of excitement and romantic moments. Their attempts at conception were sexy and soulful, meaningful and playful---full of hope for the future. The couple was disappointed when the first 3 months passed with no good news. However, they were optimistic and took the lack of immediate results in stride. After six months, Emma started to worry. She insisted they seek medical attention in spite of Jonathan’s reluctance. Jonathan believed more time and less stress would produce the results they so yearned for. But Emma insisted.For both, the news was shocking and devastating. Something was wrong. Tests revealed that Emma had an ovulation disorder that was preventing a regular production of eggs as well as compromising the quality of eggs that were produced. The couple learned that their best chance of conception was through in vitro fertilization—a costly, invasive, and lengthy process. Both agreed to begin the process immediately. At the onset, the couple remained very close---united in their sadness, fear, and hope. They supported and comforted eachother as they faced the biggest challenge of their young relationship. However, over time, after three failed in-vitro attempts, things began to change.Find an expert near you!

5 Signs Your Not Ready for Dating

How to tell whether you're ready to date again after a break-up. How can you tell when you’re ready to start dating again after a break-up? Most people don’t even bother to ask themselves this question; they just dive back in. But if you want to avoid making the same mistakes in your next relationship, you should pay attention to these signs.More from YourTango: Do You Have Abandonment Issues?You think about your ex every day. Whether it’s wondering how they would react to your new job offer or wishing they would die a slow, painful death, if your ex is on your mind every day, you’re not ready to start dating yet.You talk about your ex every day. If you’ve mastered the art of turning every conversation into either a remeniscence or a rant, you’re not ready to start dating. You’ll need to ask one of your friends about this, because chances are good you’re not even aware you’re doing it.The ink’s not dry on the divorce papers. No matter how badly you may have wanted the divorce, you still need time to recover. Think months, not days, in most cases. A good rule of thumb is that people need a month to recover from every year they were in the relationship.You can’t imagine not being part of a couple. That’s need, not love. If you don’t know who you are outside of a relationship, now is a great time to figure that out. Expecting another person to complete you or make you happy is a recipe for disaster. That’s your job.You want to start dating before your ex does. That’s a clear sign of jealousy, which is a symptom of insecurity. Starting a relationship out of insecurity is a guarantee that you’ll make most, if not all, of the same mistakes you made in the relationship that just ended. I recommend using the time after your break-up to reflect on what worked and what didn’t work. You can read this blog to help identify your patterns and shift what doesn’t work so well: Take the time to get clear on what you want and don’t want in your next relationship as well as what you have to offer to your next partner. Want more advice? Find an expert near you!

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Smooching 101: 3 Easy...
Want to really electrify him (her) with your kisses?...
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